Kurling Convenors - Howard Martin Tel:- 01522- 827576 or e-mail howardmartin@ntlworld.com The group meets every Tuesday. The venue is Wellingore Memorial Hall 10am. till noon. (We alternate with ten-pin bowling.) The game involves pushing mobile kurling stones along the length of a badminton court towards a "bullseye " type flat target at the other end. No physical bending or other effort is required, other than the ability to push a broomstick forwards. Friendly rivalry is encouraged but our main object is to have fun at the sport and enjoy each others' company every fortnight. Members know how to win and lose - and to treat those two imposters just the same! (an important lifestyle lesson!) We are mainly there for fun and entertainment (plus tea, biscuits and chat ! ) This Group continues to flourish. Members are perfecting their skills to produce some close and exciting internal competitions. We have not yet played any other Kurling teams but that could be an interesting challenge in the future ! Our membership is at it's maximum of 20 at the moment. We only have the equipment and space to deal with that many. We can take new members as and when current ones leave the group, so if you are interested, get in touch.